
Daniel S. Jones, PhD

Assistant Professor

"I studied Botany at the University of Oklahoma, receiving my B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. there. During my graduate work I became fascinated by sexual reproduction in flowering plants. I studied gamete biology in rice during my master's (with Dr. Scott Russell) and cell-cell communication pathways regulating the final stages of sperm cell delivery, a process called pollen tube reception, in Arabidopsis during my Ph.D. (with Dr. Sharon Kessler). I then joined Dr. Zack Nimchuk's lab at The University of North Carolina where I was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow funded through the Plant Genome Research Project (PGRP). At UNC, I worked on stem cell signaling during reproductive development in both Arabidopsis and sunflower. This work led to my broad interest in understanding how conserved cell signaling pathways have been modified during evolution to regulate development of distinct inflorescence morphologies."

Plant Developmental Biologist | Husband and Dad | Baseball fan (Chicago Cubs) | Oklahoman (Okie) | loves all things plant 

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Vandana Gurung, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

“I am a Botanist and a fresh postdoc at the capitulab. I received my undergrad (B.Sc.) and master’s (M.Sc.) degree in Botany from the University of Delhi, India. I then pursued Ph.D. at the University of Connecticut in the labs of Dr. Pamela Diggle and Dr. Yaowu Yuan. My Ph.D. work was focused on identifying the genetic and cellular processes involved in the diversification and formation of corolla tubes in Mimulus, monkeyflowers. As a postdoc at the capitulab, my goal would be to contribute genetic evidence pertaining to the evolution of Capitulum, a key morphological innovation in Asteraceae. Despite the importance of Capitulum in Asteraceae diversification, we know little about the genetic basis of their development. To fill this knowledge gap, my aim would be to elucidate the suite of genes involved in meristem expansion, a crucial process thought to be involved in capitulum evolution and development.”

Botanist | Potter- & Mayerhead | love fiction | Cooking enthusiast (mostly Indian) | Chai-o-holic (not chai tea latte!) | Spirituality and a bit of Quantum physics |

Reid Selby

Graduate Student

“I found my passion for plants at the University of Oklahoma where I received my B.S. in Plant Biology. My first research position focused on light signaling in early plant development using Arabidopsis. Through studying plants, I’ve developed an appreciation for all forms of life and the ways in which they evolve. I even briefly worked in a diabetes lab culturing primary human hepatocytes to study the effects of trauma on the liver. However, plants remain the most fascinating to me. The diversity in Asteraceae capitula is a wonderful example of evolutionary variations on a theme.”

Graduate Research Assistant | Rock Climber | Hiking and Camping Enthusiast | Planted Aquarium Nerd | House Plant Fanatic

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Brannan Cliver

Graduate Student

I graduated from Auburn University with my B.S. in Conservation Biology. Before that I thought that I wanted to study veterinary medicine, and while I love animals, studying plants has become a much greater passion of mine. During undergrad I worked in Dr. Aaron Rashotte’s lab studying Cytokinin Response Factors in Arabidopsis as well as briefly looking at Live Oak senescence. I have realized that part of why I love research so much is being able to apply what I learn to the conservation of different plant species. I am so excited to learn even more about Asteraceae!

PhD Student | Hiker and Kayaker | Very Amateur at both Yoga and Roller skating | Outdoor Lover | Carpenter with Assistance (so I can make more plant shelves)

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Erika Lesperance

Graduate Student

"I began working in the CapituLab during my junior year at Auburn, where I fell deeper in love with plants and molecular biology! My undergraduate research focused on characterizing trait segregation in a heterozygous system and learning cloning techniques. I graduated in 2023 with a B.S. in Biomedical Science and a minor in Anthropology. Currently, I am a Master’s student studying novel adaptations in the Asteraceae family associated with invasiveness."

Graduate Research Assistant | Plant mom | Yoga Aficionado | Optimist | Cincinnatian

Sarita Muñoz-Gómez

Graduate Student

"I grew up in Colombia and received my B.S in Biology at Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) in 2020. While there, I joined the Plant Evo-Devo lab where I developed my undergraduate thesis on R2R3-MYB genes associated with floral pigment regulation in the Aristolochiaceae family. In 2023 I received my Masters degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut. At UConn, I joined the Mimulus lab where I studied the development and regulation of the vein-associated pattern in Mimulus pictus flowers. In the fall of 2023, I joined the Capitulab at Auburn University where I am excited to explore the diversity in morphology and development of Asteraceae capitula!"

PhD Student | Plant enthusiast | Cat lover | Wonky pottery maker | Se habla español

Madeline Gwin

Undergraduate Student

"I am a rising junior studying genetics at Auburn University. I have specific interests in genetically modified organisms used for agricultural purposes. Although I have been in a few labs now, this is the first lab where I will be able to focus on topics so closely suited to my field of study and interests. I am so excited to be working with the Asteraceae genomes with the CapituLab."

Undergraduate Research Assistant | Avid Hiker | Professional Traveler | Gecko Parent

Ashlyn Bazzel

Undergraduate Student

I’m a sophomore at Auburn University studying Organismal Biology: Conservation and Biodiversity. I’ve loved nature my whole life, but I found myself particularly interested in plant biology and genetics during my few years at Auburn. Protecting endangered plant life has become a passion of mine and I’m so thankful for the opportunities I’ve been given in the lab pertaining to my interests. I’ve loved my time in The Capitulab so far and am so excited to see what’s next!

Undergraduate Research Assistant | Hiker | Cat mom | Conservation Advocate

Sakiyah Jenkins

Undergraduate Student

I am a Junior studying Genetics at Auburn University. I'm eager to explore the world of genetics to determine my future career path in the field. I'm thrilled to have joined CapituLab, where I'll have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various areas of genetics. From working with Asteraceae genomes to learning about genetic engineering techniques. I'm excited to apply my skills and creativity to contribute meaningfully to the scientific community, while also gaining insights into the different areas of genetics that I may want to specialize in. 

Undergraduate Research| Music Fanatic| Ocean Enthusiast| Nature lover

Yunyun Huang

Undergraduate Student

I am a junior student majoring in biomedical science with a keen interest in exploring the nature and the diversity of plants and animals. It’s a pleasure to work in CapituLab, learning how molecules function in plants. I look forward to applying the knowledge and hands-on experiences that I gain from CapituLab to my future career, where I aspire to contribute to advancements in science.

Seth Eaddy

Undergraduate Student

“I’m a rising sophomore majoring in Biomedical Sciences at Auburn University. Working in the CapituLab has been nothing but a great learning experience for me. I’m very thankful for the opportunity to grow my knowledge and skills in the world of biology and plant genetics as I know this lab and the people in it will help me take a step further to my future career!”

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